Monthly Archives: May 2012

Whom to Blame for the Storming of the Barricades at Bersih 3.0

Wah my facebook note got damn a lot of shares :’) /happy


So woohoo Bersih 3.0 was a family affair. All of us were tear-gassed. I am writing this three days after the day of and my sinuses are still clear. Mashaallah. I know what to do next time I get a flu.

So everyone has written about how Bersih 3.0 was a life-changing experience lah. Uncles and aunties writing about how they wanted to redeem themselves for their inaction over the last few decades lah. This lah that lah. Everybody is an activist now lah.

My article will be different for two reasons:

  • I blame everybody in this article! /wink (everyone was being so nice and courteous in their articles so I have to be an asshole lah).
  • I write specifically about the lack of communication at Bersih 3.0 — which I think had a large part in explaining why the crowd seemed to join in at the breaking of the barricades. Basically there are lots of references on Twitter and Facebook to some of the things I will talk about, but I think this will be the first attempt at stringing these elements together as a narrative ish.

*Most photos stolen

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